Solar Photovoltaic System
Photovoltaic systems generate electricity for your home. We offer grid-tied, off-grid (battery-based), and grid-interactive systems.
Grid-tied systems provide​​​​
electricity to your home while being tied to main utility grid
protection from rising energy costs
lower initial investment
certain system types are expandable using micro-inverters
Off-grid or Battery-based systems provide​​​​​
electricity to your home independent of the main utility grid
power to remote locations
ability to use well pumps and other critical services during power outages
Grid-interactive systems provide​​​​​​​
electricity to your home with or without the main utility grid
ability to use well pumps and other critical services during power outages
complete energy independence and flexibility
Genesis Home and Energy strives to educate the public and its customers about solar energy. Randy periodically teaches classes at Valley Career and Technical Center and Piedmont Virginia Community College.